How many Earp brothers showed up at the OK Corral?
Question 5 of 15
Which artist won song of the year at the 2020 Grammys?
Question 6 of 15
On April 11, 2011, what country became the first to ban all forms of face covering, including burqas, in public places?
Question 7 of 15
I want to straddle the world, from A to Z. To do that literally, I need to have one foot in Zambia and one foot in what country on Zambia's border?
Question 8 of 15
I once sang "You think I give a damn about a Grammy?" but in 2001 I won three of them, and even hugged Elton John, but not in a gay way or anything. Who am I?
Question 9 of 15
Greece and Turkey were fighting over which Mediterranean island throughout the 1950s?
Question 10 of 15
What is the name of the horse that has spots on its body?
Question 11 of 15
Who sang the famous song "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum" in 1932?
Question 12 of 15
Labor Day
Question 13 of 15
Which of these carnivorous animals found in the desert is endangered?
Question 14 of 15
Jameson is a "Catholic" whisky and Bushmills is "Protestant," whereas Tullamore is neutral. Where?
Question 15 of 15
Which record label gave the Moody Blues their first record deal in 1964?
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