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To what extent is your general knowledge developed?
Question 1 of 10
The ruby gets its name from the Latin word for what color?
Question 2 of 10
Walt Disney World is located near Orlando, a city in what US state?
Question 3 of 10
Who, like, totally had such hits as, like, you know, "Like a Virgin" and "Like a Prayer"?
Question 4 of 10
What synonym for a bid is also the name of a naval ship that provides logistical support to other ships?
Question 5 of 10
The last words I heard before I was shot to death were, "You can't say Dallas doesn't love you, Mr. President." Who am I?
Question 6 of 10
Both pearl and coral are made of calcium carbonate, but what is coral?
Question 7 of 10
As Coldplay might know, what is the nickname of Symphony No. 101 in D Major by Joseph Haydn, known for its ticking rhythm?
Question 8 of 10
If you were in Sitka, you'd be in what state's Alexander Archipelago?
Question 9 of 10
Which superstar was named 'The Great One'?
Question 10 of 10
In October 2000, suicide bombers managed to kill 17 sailors and damage what destroyer while it was docked at Aden in Yemen?

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