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Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.

Question 1
The Tohoku earthquake occurred in what year?
Question 2
Who became the first Commonwealth Secretary-General in 1965?
Question 3
What nickname was given to King Ethelred II who died in 1016?
Question 4
Which of these countries did Italy invade in April 1939?
Question 5
How did boxer Rocky Marciano die in 1969?
Question 6
A controversial road opened in 2011 connecting Brazil with which other nation?
Question 7
Which Swiss site, a rival to Reddit, admitted to financial problems in July 2015?
Question 8
Which location was the first English location to be bombed by the German Zeppelins?
Question 9
When did famous French author Anais Nin die?
Question 10
What was the name of the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg from 1919 to 1964?
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