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Literature Quiz
Hotspur is a rival for which Shakespearean prince?
What's the first thing Lestat does after becoming human in Anne Rice's "The Tale of the Body Thief"?
What unpublished work of J.R.R. Tolkien's did his son Christopher Tolkien edit and publish?
Which rocker had the autobiography called 'Life'?
Who wrote the book "Exile"?
When trying to use floo powder, where does Harry end up instead of Diagon Alley in "Harry Potter"?
Which of the following makes an appearance at the end of C.S. Lewis's "Prince Caspian"?
What is Nicki's full name, as given in Anne Rice's "The Vampire Lestat"?
In "Ender's Game", who is the only female in the Salamander Army?
From which language did the word "candy" come?
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Literature Quiz
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