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Quiz on Science
Question 1 of 10
What did a plane named for Enola Gay Tibbets, mother of B29 pilot Paul Tibbets, do on August 6, 1945?
Question 2 of 10
Which of these animals would have a downy coat of eider?
Question 3 of 10
Shrek was a merino farm animal who escaped its New Zealand farm for six years before being caught and shorn in 2004. What was Shrek?
Question 4 of 10
When electrons can move easily through a material, that material is called a conductor. Which of these materials would be a good conductor?
Question 5 of 10
What semi-ersatz country created its own national airline by chartering Mistral Air to fly out to pilgrimage sites?
Question 6 of 10
Betelgeuse was the first star to have its surface directly imaged, thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope. How do you pronounce that star's name?
Question 7 of 10
Peter Fong of Gettysburg College administered Prozac to bivalves, thereby literally proving what proverb?
Question 8 of 10
Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity by accident, when what element blackened a photographic plate?
Question 9 of 10
What country blamed the Aswan High Dam for an outbreak of schistosomiasis, since the dam stopped droughts that once stopped the disease?
Question 10 of 10
Among birds, which one has the longest and deepest underwater dives, practically "flying" underwater?

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