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Who sang these songs from the 20s?
Who sang the famous song "Barney Google" in 1923?
Who sang the famous song "(What Do We Do) On a Dew-Dew-Dewy Day" in 1927?
Who sang the famous song "In the Jailhouse Now" in 1928?
Who sang the famous song "Elle Vendait Des P'tits Gateaux" in 1923?
Who sang the famous song "O Cigano" in 1924?
Who sang the famous song "I Can't Get Over a Girl Like You (Loving a Boy Like Me)" in 1926?
Who sang the famous song "My Word You Do Look Queer" in 1922?
Who sang the famous song "Caresses" in 1921?
Who sang the famous song "Sweetheart of Sigma Chi" in 1927?
Who sang the famous song "Do You Ever Think of Me?" in 1921?
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Who sang these songs from the 20s?
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